6. How long is the best before date for 3Bears Porridge?Updated a month ago
After production and packaging, our porridge has a maximum shelf life of 12 months. That's why we guarantee you have at least 3 months to eat your porridge. We ship our goods according to the usual FIFO (First In - First Out) principle, so one batch is shipped until the stock runs out and then the next batch is sold.
In rare cases, the limit of 3 months may be slightly exceeded. In this case, please contact our customer service directly: https://kundenservice.3bears.de/de-DE/contact
However, since our product is a dried grain product, it can usually be consumed without concern even after the best-before date has expired, if stored in a dry place. Nevertheless, we would recommend trying the product first and, if there is a change in taste or consistency, playing it safe and disposing of the product.